Algunos scripts en TCL Shell para Cisco
TCL Shell en Cisco IOS XE
The TCL Shell for Cisco IOS has been around since Release 12.3(2)T, so it's been around for quite some time now. Still, it remains a very useful scripting utility in certain scenarios. I do a lot of network migrations or upgrades, so I often need to do multiple tests to make sure that everything that worked before that migration still works after it.
Here you can find the references:
Ping to different destinations:
One of the simplest scripts you can make, and which is very useful when you have to verify that you reach several destinations, is the following:
} {ping $VAR}
I think it is a self-descriptive script, for each of the variables that we will introduce after the loop, ping will be executed.
Below I show what output we would see in our switch:
foreach VAR {
} { if { [regexp "(!!!)" [exec "ping $VAR timeout 1" ]] } {puts "$VAR Reachable"} else { puts "$VAR **** failed ***" } }
Ping sweep on a IP range
It may also be useful to do a sweep through a range of IPs. In this case, I want to ping from to and verify which of those IPs are currently in use:
for {set D 1} {$D <= 10} {incr D} {
set var A.B.C.
append var $D
ping $var rep 3 time 1}
Using more than one variable:
What if you need to have more than a variable? For instance, you are behind a firewall and you want to verify which subnets are allowed to reach to certain destinations (we are assuming you are only trying to test icmp, no other protocols).
In this case, you need to do nested loops, and you cannot execute Cisco IOS or IOS XE commands directly. You need to to execute the Cisco command preceded with "exe". One example could be as follows:
set origenes {"Eth0/0" "Vlan 5" }
set destinos {"" ""}
foreach origen $origenes {
foreach destino $destinos {
set comando "ping $destino source $origen repeat 3"
set resultado [exec $comando]
puts "Resultado del ping desde $origen a $destino:\n$resultado\n"}}
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